The Church of San Gregorio Armeno: situated 1,6 km from the B&B and in a secluded location compared to the chaotic street of cribs, is one of the most ancient religious buildings in the city of Naples.

The Sansevero Chapel: located 1,8 km from the B&B, is the most important religious building in Naples and a wonderful example of the Baroque art of Naples.

San Domenico Maggiore Square: commissioned by Alfonso I of Naples and dominated by St Dominic Obelisk, is 1,8 km from the B&B and one of the most important squares in Naples.

The National Archaelogical Museum of Naples: situated 1,9 km from the B&B, is the most important archaelogical museum in Europe. It exhibits Bourbon collections of bronzes, marbles and paintings coming from the excavations of Pompeii, Herculanneum and other Campania places, as well as collections of Etruscan and Egyptian antiquities.

Beverello Pier: situated 2,4 km from the B&B, is the part of the Port of Naples where ferries and hydrofoils linking the city of Naples with the islands of the Gulf, such as Capri, Ischia, Procida, Ponza and Ventotene.

Maschio Angioino: this massive castle, situated 2,5 km from the B&B, with its five big cylindrical towers, represents the symbol of the city of Naples, thanks to its strategic position in Municipio Square, in the harbour area.

San Carlo Theatre: located 2,8 km from the B&B, is the most ancient theatre in Europe. It was built 41 years before La Scala Theatre and 51 years before La Fenice Theatre.

The Royal Palace of Naples: located 2,8 km from the B&B. Inside you can visit the historical apartment, used as a museum, which contains the Small Court Theatre, the throne room, Maria Cristina of Savoy’s Room and the Royal Chapel, housing prestigious art masterpieces made by the greatest painters of the Bourbon period.

Plebiscito Square: located 3 km from the B&B, is certainly the most characteristic square in Naples. The square, first known as “Largo di palazzo”, was named after the Plebiscite of 1860, which established the annexation of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies to the Kingdom of Sardinia.

Chiaia Street: located 3,1 km from the B&B, is a very central street of Naples, in the homonymous district and, together with Via dei Mille, represents one of the most elegant shopping streets in the city.

Naples Underground: situated 3,4 km from the B&B, the underground city extends beneath the hostorical centre. Myths and legends related to it, are still alive in the Neapolitans collective imaginery.

San Gennaro Catacombs: located 3,4 km from the B&B, represent a millenary history in the underground of Naples, a tour to discover the strong link of faith between the city and its Patron Saint Gennaro.

Castel dell’Ovo (Egg Castle): located 3,6 km from the B&B, is the most ancient castle in Naples on the island of Megaride where, according to the legend, the siren Parthenope landed. She gave her name to the ancient city, the early settlement of the Greeks.

The Bourbon Tunnel: located 4,1 km from the B&B, is one of the most suggestive and fascinating tourist attractions of the city of Naples.

Vomero: located 4,7 km from the B&B, is the modern appendage of Naples and one of its hilly districts.

Maradona Stadium: the main multi-sport complex of the city is located 7,3 km from the B&B, in the Fuorigrotta suburb. After Maradona’s death (25th November 2020), it was named after his memory and since Dicember 2020 it became Diego Armando Maradona Stadium for letting live the legend of this great blue myth.

Posillipo: located 8,1 km from the B&B, is a hilly district of Naples and the most elegant and prestigious area of the city.

Maradona Chapel: 2.3 km from the B&B, there is the votive chapel dedicated to Diego Armando Maradona in via Emanuele de Deo, in the Spanish Quarters, where fans have created an “altar” after the death of the former Napoli captain on November 25, 2021.

Monte Echia: One of the most beautiful places in Naples with its lookout point and gardens offering a breathtaking view from Capodimonte to Vesuvius, from Sorrento to Capri, from the Castle of the Egg to Posillipo. A wonderful view over the gulf and the history of Megaride.